Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Well its been a while since Ive posted. Well with traveling jet lag, work, and my computer being down, I havent had that much of a chance.

Well Ive started facebook group, energy photo art, and nicole did one too about Randy and Nicole in Taiwan.

Here is a picture i took Halloween night in S'toon.

lemme know what you think.


Thursday, November 08, 2007

Well a month later and a lot has happened. I am now on my way back to Taiwan. Im in YVR and waiting for my plane. My parents anniversary was good, and i was able too see a lot of people, aunts uncles, family friends, a lot of people I haven't seen in a long time.

My picture taking was a mixed experience. Indoors with 1/2 lights was challenging for my parents anniv. But I di get s bunch of other Canada pictures, but i lost them all due too computer issue. Then i got a few of them back. in due time you will see.

More later.
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