Wednesday, March 25, 2009

4 color version.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

One of the famed "Faces of Bayon". 

Inspired by the many painting sold in and around Angkor Wat Areas.

Banteay Srei, Cambodia

I remember walking around and the colors of this sandstone like rock was amazing. It really stuck out. Looking like something between aged copper and mould.

It was not mouldy in case your wondering.

Beng Mealea - An early 11c Temple complex. The complex covers around 1 square kilometer.
Its around a 2 hour trip to get there, but its really worth it. The temple is really not been upgraded or maintained like the others. This adds to the atmosphere.
Walking around to the library with the blocks everywhere and the stagnant air makes it feel like a lost world changing only at a snails pace.
Climbing around and inside the ruins you really start to feel like Indiana Jones.

I eagerly went into every black tunnel and opening and came out the other side twice as fast.

You never know when a block may fall crushing anyone around, or get bitten by a snake or spider, etc etc....remembering your in a country with a poor health care system.

LOVED the experience!

Monday, March 23, 2009

A Sunday distraction...made with vanilla and jasmine incense.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Here are a couple shots of the entrance gates of Bauphon.

Just inside the walls, one of four pools flanking the main temple.

Basically an ancient guard house.

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Cambodian farmers are not rich. They are not a simple phone call away from a John Deere service technician. They think simple use, multi-purpose, and easy maintenance.

This is a Cambodian tractor.

It is currently configured for a people hauler. It is a bus, taxi, delivery truck, AND a tractor, plow, cultivator...etc

But then you want to get there faster don't take the tractor...Just use a motorbike.

Got a queen sized mattress...don't think delivery man when you can do it yourself.

Fold and go!...Its just that simple!!
A shot of Banteay Srei (Srey) - loosely translated means "citadel of the woman".

The pink sandstone has some of the most intricate carvings of any Angkorian Temple.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Boys and their trucks.

In the temple complex called Tommanon.

A side project... a beautiful friend posed for some shots a couple of weekends ago.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

3 more from Ta Prohm. Time to move on to another temple. The scenery was so amazing, overpowering, to the point of mind numbing.

Now as I look back over these pictures I can help but wish I had had more time to soak up the ambiance even more.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

The people of Cambodia summed up in three pictures of kids.

1) The girls are resourceful, cute, smiling, and always looking for an opportunity.

2) The boys have some big shoes to fill. Though not all have shoes.

They may not have the newest nor most appropriate tools.

3) But with teamwork... the job will get done.
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