Friday, March 31, 2006

So this is my newest addition to my collection of things from the east. A Jade Fortune Ball. It is made from one piece of Jade, and has 5 Balls in side each other, with a solid jade pebble in the center. There are carvings of twin dragons on the outside. It comes with a matching stand. It stands about 6 inches high. I did some serious haggling on this piece, when i was in Hong Kong last weekend. I think its pretty cool. Posted by Picasa

Friday, March 24, 2006

火車..That is Fire car

Oh you say... what's a fire car?

well think what happens if you put fire in a cart.

The cart burns. MMM

so what if its in a container...the fire that is

ok then add water

fire goes out

NO dont add the water to the fire ...add it in a pipe inside it gets hot boils and turns to steam.

so a hot pipe in a fire in a container..

Now I understand dont get it yet


where does the steam go?

i der know

right.......... Exactly!


Its gotta go somewhere so it goes forward...
?ok? how does it go forward?

Quit wasting time with stupid questions ...its obvious! put some wheels on it

now it goes faster


where is it going?
...i dont know make it go only in a line.

What do you got?
mmm..a car with fire and water made into steam....

Right... a Fire Car....or TRAIN

火車 Hoa Chr Hoa = fire Chr = Car hoa that goes really fast Chr 'TSURE does go fast eh!

"I'll take the FireCar this morning Mabel", i says, she looks at me disapprovingly...'bout time you got off your ..... and so i closed the door, and walked to work cuz i was talking for to long.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

So I started this blog as a way to rant, rave talk chat, share and express myself. I like comments. They let me know that someone else is looking at the site.

Topic of the day. A New Job.

SO I started a new job. You know that first day of the new job. The first real working day, where you cant sleep well the night before, a little nervous. I had that. But mixed in the feeling is one of this job is at my level. I really don't have to stress out for it because i understand what it takes.
Oh don't get me wrong I will have some learning to do. But it will be in small doses.
Its nice moving from a place where the students have intrinsic motivation instead of extrinsic. I like being able to discuss world issues. As I already know how to explain why we pronounce the as "thee" sometimes and "thuh" other times. I can explain the difference between transitive and intransitive verbs. Heck i can tell you the etymology of many words, dating back to the Romans or the Germanic empire.

I have discussed new technologies coming to computers from the head of R &D in a major microchip maker. I have done business with someone in Paris for a Taiwanaese metal manufacturing company. Ive learned about importing to Taiwan, Chinese culture, and why the fourth floor in all buildings is cheaper. (ps I live on the 4th floor).

Ive made my scooter tires smoke from a burnout, Ive carried a computer desk on my scooter, and I've sang "I'm a little tea pot" in a room full of people at the top of my lungs.

And yet.....I was looking for something to do. Oh well. No more teapot crap, trading my lack of dignity for a tie. Same mediocre pay (actually its not that bad), but a little more dignity. I like that.

The flower has opened people.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Just a flower...oh well I guess I get to keep that 100 dollars in gold bars...... all for me!!! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, March 18, 2006

So now I have a bunch of these in my house. When will the madness stop!
100 dollars* to the first person who tells me what it is! *currency yet to be decided. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

So Ive been drinking C and been thinking, you know I not really all that creative. So should i keep drinking it? I dont get it. Posted by Picasa
So you can only afford the salad bar. Well get what you paid for. Start with a nice bowl.

"sorry sir one trip only" the waitress whines,

So I says to Maybel I says, "I'll show her one trip only"

mmm carrots dual purpose, both good for your eyes and good for your wallet. A nice base.

Just one trip! no problem.
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This is my daily view as I go to my various work places. A crazy mess of scooters, cars, amd stupid cement trucks n taxis. It looks worse than it is. Mind you, now I think that rush hour back home is only the time it takes me to rush home. Life is a challenge. So far Im winning, cuz Im not dead.

Below is my precious over priced, spud. You see it was just another day in the life of an underground vegetable, when it was ripped from its dirty home and put in my kitchen. Then it was transformed by virtue of a peeler, into a half naked potato.

Oh the X rated potato... you should have see what it looked like with no clothes at all....

But she eventually got into hot water.

Just seeemed to fall apart after that.

Was beaten, whipped, but eventually just turned to mush.

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Friday, March 03, 2006

Burning to desire the truth. Burning to know the End. Burning brightly for only a short while. Burning until the end. Burning with anger. Burning with passion. Burning with rage. Burning to know the difference. Burning from rejection. Burning into insignifiicance. Burning out. Burnt. Posted by Picasa
Life feels like this at the moment. It was aimed up and ever higher. Now a quick down turn. A little bummed, however its about to bloom, so not all hope is lost.
 Posted by Picasa
One life to live and its a third over. Hmm. I thought I was working to get ahead. Nope not ahead, just digging a different hole. Maybe that hole will lead somewhere. Maybe i will just dig to granite and give up. We will see ...all in time.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Stare into the sun,
for we are already blind.

Blinded from birth
by those around us.

Us who seek the truth
yet can not find it.

It waits to be found,
ever failing.

Failing to find,
so we sit and stare. Posted by Picasa
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