Sunday, February 26, 2006

One cocktail weenie on a black plate. That's what was going round n round at the restaurant. Tell me why does this seem odd. Then the squid came. A mussel snapped at me. And I ate cabbage. What a wonderfully odd place I live in. The tofu was like a dry sponge, and the mushrooms were slippery and gooey.

I cooked the food in a pot of boiling water.

This was a great meal.

I am definitely going back.

There that's one way to describe the meal I had.

Here is another.

The young lady welcomed us whole heartedly as we entered through the automatic sliding door. Ushering us to our seats and pulling them out for us one by one. We sat down and feasted our eyes on the multitude of choices before us. We got a sense of what the establishment was all about. Following the lead of other patrons, we went to condiment table number one. The choices of crisp light green cabbage and the contrasting dark green lettuce. IN addition to the whole bright yellow corn on the cob, bright green broccoli, along with various delectable mushrooms and various seafood treats.
I filled up our main dish with choice treasures, and headed back to my very own personal pot of boiling water.
Then I carried my smaller bowl to the second counter. Choosing between 15 different things such as kimchi, tofu, crushed tomatoes, green onions, garlic, spicy red pepper, various pastes and sauces. This is used to dip and thus flavor your food prior to eating.
Meat passes infront of you on a conveyor belt system perpetually being restocked. Fresh meat including cut beef, pork, mutton, chicken, and seafood including shrimp, clams, octopus, squid, and crab. As well various kind of minced seafood creations pass by. Following that are a few kinds of desserts, including red bean soup, tapioca coconut pudding, and various glutinous delicacies.
Pop, juice, coffee, tea, hot chocolate, icecream are also included. All for approx $6.98 Canadian dollars including tax.
Eat all you want stay as long as you want.

That was lunch.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Ok want some more! ..Here we go

In my world I see what isn't there. NO IM not crazy.....Well ok maybe BUT....Only in my own way, and its ok. I see things like the missing hole in a donut. Clever invention...Otherwise its just a sugary bun.

what is real....This could be a black and white thing. Such as it is absolutely true and valid that I am sitting in front of a desk. While it is true you don't know that. So is it real for you. Is it even real for me. While it is now, it may not be later, so my black can fade. Plus it is not in my world. Randyland is invading this desks space. SO is it real. Seems real...Seems like its made of wood. hmmm nope wrong its just pressed paper. Looks brown.....Then again it is every other color and all I see is the color of rejection. All colors except brown are being absorbed....So what color is it?

No black and white.

everything can change

I ask myself are my parents real? Well I think they are people and yes they seem real, however to much dismay of many others , and somewhere in the world some one is probably finding this out now.....Oh sorry we didn't tell you your adopted. Now that's not my case ...As far as I know. But once again that's outside of my world. It can affect my world if I let it but doesn't have to.

I like to ramble.
Oh.. Do you want the real scoop on Randyland??
Here is my theory's and views....
Although the world doesn't revolve around me...I am impacted by the world. Although I am not passive in the world, I am contained in Randyland. It is my world. I control it. It is my space, and I am the main person in it. It is my bubble. The rest of the world is blurry, and my world is clear. I understand my world, but the outside is yet to be understood.

I think I understand only what I am allowed to understand. In my world there is NO black and white. Never was and never will be. Everything in life is shades of grey. With color added merely for entertainment.

Meaning I have opinions and I have personal rules, morals, and ideas about God and life. However, all rules can be bent broken or manipulated, as time sees fit.
An example. 2000 years ago the world was flat, women were a lesser subservient being, and there was no mainstream Christian belief system influencing the world.

And another more modern example of my shades of grey. Question. Would you allow someone to kill a child in front of you? Assuming your sane you say no never. But.... And there is always a 'but' If you had a simple choice,you can allow one child to be killed or you can allow 10 children to be killed....Your choice....And that just it.

There is never an absolute answer to things.

feel free to challenge this.

Is participating in terrorism wrong? ......Depends on who you are and what you were brought up to believe, not to mention how your life has been affected by the actions of others.

There can be very dark shades ...Don't get me wrong, but I think its never absolute.

Another day in Randyland

So here goesday one in blogland. If your wondering about me,I will tell you here. I am a Canadian guy married and living in taiwan. I have been working as an english teacher for the last few years. Although i love being here, i am tired of teaching kids.

**BTW spare me any comments on spelling, grammar etc, as on here i dont really care.
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