Saturday, August 04, 2007

Ive added a few new pictures on my website lately, plus i gave it slightly updated look on many pages to reflect the nature of the site and that is its about photography.

Ive been working on my photo retouching skills.

If you want a sample of my work compare these.

Information: I had a few wrong settings on my camera (the very blue hue), plus I was shooting it with a strong side wind and my biggest zoom set all the way out at 300mm and handheld. So the fact it is clear and in focus is about all I got right.

So i used this as a test of my retouching skills so far, plus my creative photoshop skills for the framing and plaque.

You can get a bigger version of the finished one here.

Start image:

Finished image:
Let me know what you think.

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