Saturday, February 25, 2006

Ok want some more! ..Here we go

In my world I see what isn't there. NO IM not crazy.....Well ok maybe BUT....Only in my own way, and its ok. I see things like the missing hole in a donut. Clever invention...Otherwise its just a sugary bun.

what is real....This could be a black and white thing. Such as it is absolutely true and valid that I am sitting in front of a desk. While it is true you don't know that. So is it real for you. Is it even real for me. While it is now, it may not be later, so my black can fade. Plus it is not in my world. Randyland is invading this desks space. SO is it real. Seems real...Seems like its made of wood. hmmm nope wrong its just pressed paper. Looks brown.....Then again it is every other color and all I see is the color of rejection. All colors except brown are being absorbed....So what color is it?

No black and white.

everything can change

I ask myself are my parents real? Well I think they are people and yes they seem real, however to much dismay of many others , and somewhere in the world some one is probably finding this out now.....Oh sorry we didn't tell you your adopted. Now that's not my case ...As far as I know. But once again that's outside of my world. It can affect my world if I let it but doesn't have to.

I like to ramble.

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