Friday, April 06, 2007

Raining. Raining.
I have a good long 4 day weekend, and no where to go, nothing I need to do. What a perfect time to get out and do my hobby......RAIN! AH! and at that just a drizzle. Just enough for me to be worried about getting the camera wet, or having a small accident ...oops in the puddle, resulting in one very non-worthwhile photo op.

So my time will be spent indoors. Creating and muddling in different things, tweaking the blog, my site. By the way check out the photo art pages. Ive been doing a bunch of work on them. both in layout, and in adding content.

How disgusted do you get when you see mold. green mold growing on everything. Looked at my wooden cabinets, the whole back side was moldy. Eww. And on all of them. That took a whole evening to clean up. Now yesterday took out a pot that was washed couple days earlier, spots of mold all over it, with a big one in the middle.. ewwwwwww I looked at my ties the other day....over half were getting mold spots......on my ties!! huh? since when does mold grow on ties i wear everyday. What a humid place

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