Friday, March 24, 2006

火車..That is Fire car

Oh you say... what's a fire car?

well think what happens if you put fire in a cart.

The cart burns. MMM

so what if its in a container...the fire that is

ok then add water

fire goes out

NO dont add the water to the fire ...add it in a pipe inside it gets hot boils and turns to steam.

so a hot pipe in a fire in a container..

Now I understand dont get it yet


where does the steam go?

i der know

right.......... Exactly!


Its gotta go somewhere so it goes forward...
?ok? how does it go forward?

Quit wasting time with stupid questions ...its obvious! put some wheels on it

now it goes faster


where is it going?
...i dont know make it go only in a line.

What do you got?
mmm..a car with fire and water made into steam....

Right... a Fire Car....or TRAIN

火車 Hoa Chr Hoa = fire Chr = Car hoa that goes really fast Chr 'TSURE does go fast eh!

"I'll take the FireCar this morning Mabel", i says, she looks at me disapprovingly...'bout time you got off your ..... and so i closed the door, and walked to work cuz i was talking for to long.

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