Sunday, January 27, 2008

A bunch of you are probably wondering how my arm is doing. the answer ....Not bad.

80% good 20% bad

Im out of any sort of cast now for about a week and half now.

I have a cool scar to show off, and the arm is becoming more usable by the day.

Total time in a cast 1 and a half weeks in hosp, then plastic cast for 2 weeks. Kinda short. But the freedom is nice.

20% bad bone chip/piece has moved or lifted so its not in place now.

I was explained that this bone piece is very important in keeping the elbow stable in the first 3 weeks, now it is less important as the muscle and tendons do the job.

this because of th dislocation.

but since it has lifted it bay need to be taken out, or it may be left in. Depends. The bone chip... it's really bigger than a limits my range of motion. I can not bring my arm back to my shoulder, it is blocked and painful. This sucks.

But extending my arm outward , as in reaching for something, should be no problem soon.

I might know more later this week as i see ol' saw bones on thursday.

here is a scar pic for now.

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