Saturday, December 29, 2007

Today is a great day. Its cloudy, cool, misting outside, nothing is on TV, my arm is aching and my stomach is a little upset from the antibiotics. So why a great day?

If you know anyone 'into' photography you gotta tell em about this blog, or wesite. What follows is super cool.

Many companies make photography bags, Tamarac, LowePro, Crumpler, etc. But the smartest, most logical, think of everything company Ive ever heard of is ThinkTankPhoto.

This is a company I can respect.

After a little hinting and verbal going-on-too-long-ness, I was able to convince my wife to get me the PERFECT backpack for traveling for the day or the week with my photo equipment. Its the Rotation 360

This may seems stupid and a lot of hype about a back pack, but its really cool!!

There is so much about it thats cool. Like the bottom part slides around to be ready for a shot without taking everything off etc. Thats its claim to fame i guess. But every piece has high quality zippers, rain gear, and quality material on the outside.

It has perfectly placed pockets, personal panels providing portable personalizeable protection this photographer pronounced this particularization prefaced primarily with PERFECT!!

spit that out 3 times.

Really though, i took all afternoon getting acquainted with its features. I can find fault. Even the fact that I'm a big guy this pack still fits.

The products can not be described as cheap, but could be extremely good value for the money.

Check them out ThinkTankPhoto

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