Wednesday, February 04, 2009

My first trip to a floating village was an interesting one. The local guy I hired as my guide found a 'boat driver' who offered to take me on a personal tour of a village called Kampong Phluk. Not many tourists ever go to this village, especially in the dry season. Now I know why.

tuk tuk turned off the paved road onto a dirt road. We drove for quite a while and the road and houses got more um 'rustic'. The road deteriorated into a narrow bumpy path to an oxcart path and finally after enough bone jarring we stopped.

Tuk tuk (pronounced took took)

I looked around for the boats. Hmm no boats. No no we need to take a moto ride to the boat, its too bumpy for the tuk tuk. Well I've come this far, so with a back pack, and full waist pack of camera gear I hop onto the moto with the boat driver. Looking at the boat driver I though well your sure gonna earn your money the hard way driving me and you on this motorbike. I know what its like doubling people, and I have a very good idea what its like to double me....It was hard earned money.

Good part of the road.

We took off and the dirt track got worse, it turned into loose sand with big bumps, like speed humps that turned into holes which we drove into and out of. After 20 minutes they hardened up and became a road so impassable that no 4x4 could ever make it there.

At one point about 45 minutes of death defying driving my driver was sure something had broken.

Moto and Boat Driver (note 1 helmet, not for me)

After an hour!! The 'road-of-no-bone-
unjarred' ended in a swampy mess. We got off and he parked his moto in the trees. Then looking the other way through the trees I saw the nose of a boat. Scrambling onto it, I then maneuvered over 5 or 6 more till the last one was in enough water that it could float.

We took off down the swamps and shortly made it to the Floating Village.
The village is partially floating and partially on stilts.

The people smiled and waved. Some stared, and others went about their business.

Bath time

I noticed a couple of people bathing this way, fully clothed and just washing in the muddy water.
Kids jumping into the water.

Many places you go the kids are running around au naturel. Seems quite common, yet boys will be boys.


Steve said...

After reading your description of the roads, I'll bet chiropracters would make a mint there (assuming anyone could afford them).

cfimages said...

I was lucky enough to go to KP at the end of the rainy season. It was a very long boat ride to get there, but well worth it. And an incredible late-afternoon storm rolling in as we were leaving.

Randy said...

The storm coming must have been super for pictures...

I would rather have taken a long boat ride than the ride I got....but now I have another event I managed to live through to tell the story.

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